Billionaires and the Wealth Gap:

Billionaires and the Wealth Gap in America


project summary:

An information architecture brochure that explores how the wealth gap impacts us, and how it got to this point in the first place




layout & interaction design


inDesign Illustrator Procreate Photoshop

time period

October – December 2021

This project was a very long one that included weeks of research, the creation of our pamphlets, having them printed professionally, and then a final exhibition. The focus of this pamphlet was billionaires and the ever increasing wealth gap in America, and I wanted to focus on different ways to present the information instead of just through words, so I focused on creating different graphs, charts, etc. I included this print version so that you can see how it folds – in half hamburger style, then in thirds. The folded version is 11.375” x 5” with the top left corner as the cover.

final outcome

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